{ topic: "code", type: "blog", author: "pan thomakos" }
Productivity Engineering
Deploy Env Vs Rails Env
How Strava Merges Code
Overwriting Console Output Using Curses in Ruby
Context Driven Refactoring
Actually Always Refactoring
Fixtures and Factories
Benchmark Your Bundle
Overwriting Console Output in Ruby
Respect the Active Record
Reducing Metadata Queries in Resque
Understanding The Law of Demeter
From WordPress to GitHub Pages
The Ruby Global Interpreter Lock
A Simple Rails Boot Time Improvement
The & Operator in Ruby
Courteous Meta-Programming in Ruby
Object Oriented Ruby and Rails in the Complex World of Gems
Ruby 1.9.3-p0 Released
Using Rails Observers to write Faster Tests and Simpler Models
Dynamic Rescue Clause in Ruby
Sham 1.0.0 Released!
after_create bug in Rails 3
Avoiding Nested Callbacks in JavaScript
A Faster YARD Doc Server with Guard-Yard
How Javascript Loading Works - DOMContentLoaded and OnLoad
Recap and Thoughts on the Facebook Deploy and Push Process
Spork, RSpec, Sham and Caching Classes
ActiveRecord 3.1 - Mass-Assignment Roles
Spork Testing Tip - Caching Classes
Proper Git Commit Messages and an Elegant Git History
Rails 3 Patch: Encoding Bug while Action Caching with MemCacheStore
Hoptoad Error Tracking in Ruby on Rails
Scopes in Rails 3
Ruby Autoloading Explained
Using Custom Error Messages for Cleaner Code
A Simple Ruby Script to Gracefully Terminate System Processes
Sham - Lightweight Factories for Ruby on Rails Testing
To be or not to be... RESTful - Ruby on Rails Best Practices
FULLTEXT Index and SPATIAL Index - MySQL Compatible Rake Tasks
Serving Static Files with Passenger and Nginx