How Javascript Loading Works - DOMContentLoaded and OnLoad
There are actually three different windows of time during a web request in which we can load and execute javascript. These windows are delineated by the DOMContentLoaded event and the OnLoad event. We can load our scripts before DOMContentLoaded, after DOMContentLoad, and after OnLoad. But before I dig into the details of how this is done, what the heck are these two events and when are they actually triggered?
The Events
The DOMContentLoaded event is triggered when the page’s Document Object Model (DOM) is ready. What this means is that the API for interacting with the content, style and structure of a page is ready to receive requests from your code. In general this means that the text, css and html are ready - but it’s not quite that simple. Depending on the browser, HTML version, and where the stylesheet tags are relative to the script tags, the CSS might not be done rendering by the time this event fires. Fortunately there is a safe and performant way to ensure that the CSS is loaded first. It’s as simple as placing your external stylesheets in the header and your external javascripts in the footer. This approach forces the javascript to execute only after the external stylesheets and HTML body have been loaded. Basically, this means that if you are placing stylesheets in the header and javascripts in the footer, your DOM will load all content, structure, and style before the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. That’s a good thing!
The OnLoad event is triggered when the entire page has loaded. This is moment when the globe or loader in your browser’s title bar stops spinning. At this point all scripts and stylesheets have finished loading and have been executed, and all images have been downloaded and displayed.
Loading Javascript
So how do we hook into each of these events; and more importantly, when should we use each? To examine the different hooks, let’s have a look at this simple HTML page and the output that it produces.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="external.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
console.log('DOM Loaded (DOMContentLoaded)');
$('head').append('<script src="dom.js"></script>');
console.log('Page Loaded (OnLoad)');
If we examine the javascript console we can see the list of events play out like this:
external.js Loaded and Executed
DOM Loaded (DOMContentLoaded)
dom.js Loaded and Executed
Page Loaded (OnLoad)
ajax.js Loaded and Executed
dom_ajax.js Loaded and Executed
page_ajax.js Loaded and Executed
This console output implicates the three windows of javascript loading:
- External javascript (external.js) is loaded before DOMContentLoaded.
- External javascript inserted into HTML during the DOMContentLoaded callback (dom.js) is loaded before OnLoad.
- AJAX requests do not delay DOMContentLoaded or OnLoad, regardless of when they are initiated (ajax.js, dom_ajax.js and page_ajax.js).
Let’s take a look at each of these windows and see which one best suits our needs.
Before DOMContentLoaded
First, notice that both inline javascript and external javascript (external.js) is loaded and executed immediately, regardless of the DOM being ready or the page having been loaded. This may seem obvious, but it is necessary to execute this code before DOMContentLoaded so that we can actually hook into the event. The best way to think of this javascript is as a setup. You shouldn’t be manipulating the DOM yet, since it isn’t ready - you should be setting up your callbacks and then getting out of the way so the rest of the page can load quickly.
After DOMContentLoaded
These scritpts (dom.js) are executed once the DOM is ready to be manipulated. This where you want to put any code that actually changes the page visually as this is the earliest point at which DOM manipulation is possible, and it will be executed before the page is displayed. This is a good thing because we don’t want the page elements jumping around and changing style after they are visible to the user.
After OnLoad
These scripts (ajax requests and anything in the window.load callback) are executed after the page has completed loading and the user can view the entire document. This is a great place to load long-running scripts and scripts that don’t visually alter the page. Some examples of this include analytics and reporting libraries and code or data that might be used later and can be pre-fetched for the user. Google maps loads all of its map tiles using AJAX so that the page load is not halted.
Try to keep this page load process in mind when writing your javascript code. Simple placement of your code can lead to large gains in overall perceived page load time. I’m hoping this blog post clarifies the basic page load events and allows you to beter determine how and where javascript should be loaded in your own application. If you have any questions or examples of these methods in use, please leave a comment.