Reducing Metadata Queries in Resque
If you’re using Resque with your Rails application you may have noticed a large
number of SHOW TABLES
queries in
your log while a job is processing. The most frustrating thing about this is
that they probably don’t appear in your web requests.
The solution for this is quite simple. Because Resque forks its processes before
each job is executed it only maintains - in memory - the cached metadata that
was loaded before the fork. To resolve this issue we need to load all this
metadata before the Resque job forks. Fortunately Resque provides a
hook which allows us to execute code before the first job,
hence allowing us to pre-load a lot of metadata into memory.
Add the following to an initializer file, like config/initializers/resque.rb
# Pre-load all the ActiveRecord column metadata.
Resque.before_first_fork do
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).each do |klass|
unless klass.abstract_class?
This code loads all the ActiveRecord
subclasses and then, if they have a table
associated with them, loads their column and primary key information. The column
information is associated with the SHOW FIELDS FROM
queries and the primary
key information is associated with the SHOW TABLES
A note of caution. If you happen to use a gem that also hooks into the Resque pre-fork process you may run into issues. Currently Resque only supports a single block/code snippet per hook. Hopefully this issue will be resolved in this pull request that I created yesterday.
But if you are itching to get this working right away you can use my branch that contains the updates by adding the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'resque', git: 'git://', branch: 'hooks'
This code allows Resque to keep track of, and register, multiple fork hooks, so gems like rpm contrib, which also hook into the Resque boot process, can co-exist with your hooks.
Enjoy the faster Resque processing!