The Ruby Global Interpreter Lock
All of the code in this post was executed on Ruby 1.9.3 in February 2012. Ruby MRI refers to the C implementation of Ruby.
The Ruby MRI Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is often misunderstood. Programmers hear “global” and “lock” and assume that threaded code won’t execute with any concurrency. While I’m hopeful that it will eventually be removed (jRuby and Rubinius Hydra) the GIL is not all that bad, and the state of Ruby MRI threading can only improve.
The reason I say it’s not that bad is that the GIL only applies to Ruby operations. That means it really only applies to the work that Ruby is doing. Which makes sense, because it exists to protect the integrity of the Ruby Virtual Machine.
But besides Ruby operations, what kind of other work is there? In a typical web application – a lot. When you’re querying the database, disk or memcached Ruby isn’t doing work, which means you aren’t invoking the GIL. Let’s take a look at a simple example.
I/O Operations
require 'benchmark'
require 'mysql2'
x =
y = do |b|'w/o') do
x.query("SELECT SLEEP(1)")
y.query("SELECT SLEEP(1)")
end'with') do
a ={ x.query("SELECT SLEEP(1)") }
b ={ y.query("SELECT SLEEP(1)") }
user system total real
w/o 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 2.002874)
with 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 1.001658)
In this example Ruby passed the SQL query into a C program that waited on the database to respond. During that time Ruby released the GIL because it was not performing any work. Querying the database is an I/O operation and the GIL does not factor in to I/O operations. That means that the Ruby interpreter had the freedom to process more than one thread at a time. To understand the difference, let’s take a look at this next example.
Ruby Operations
require 'benchmark' do |x|'w/o') do
10_000_000.times{ 2+2 }
end'with') do
a ={ 5_000_000.times{ 2+2 } }
b ={ 5_000_000.times{ 2+2 } }
user system total real
w/o 2.300000 0.000000 2.300000 ( 2.312023)
with 2.330000 0.000000 2.330000 ( 2.338784)
In this example Ruby had to perform computations and modify data, so threading provided no benefit since the GIL was active. In fact attempting to parallelize these computations incurred the overhead of creating two threads.
The Ruby GIL only applies to non I/O operations. While removal of the GIL would allow my last example to take full advantage of native threads, Ruby threading is not in a state of non-existence. Ruby threading does work, it’s just hasn’t evolved to the same level as other languages yet.
Hopefully this clarified the GIL and threading. At this point in time event-driven ruby, threads and fibers provide a great deal of concurrency in Ruby despite the GIL. I believe in the future this will only improve – particularly for threads. The GitHub Gist of this code also includes another example using Ruby’s sleep function.